Updates on the projects
There were no updates for a long time due to my vacation, but finally here are some.
First af all, the assembled PCB arrived from China, and it works! The wireless range is shorter than from a off-the-shelf module with PCB antenna, but seems good enough for line-of-sight couple meter distance operation.
Minor issue is that I messed up the order and the PCB is 1.6mm thick, instead of expected 1mm. Could the previous weight estimation error be solved because I changed PCB thickness from correct 1mm to 1.6mm? Don’t know…
Currently working on a firmware, which will be a long process as the MCU is new to me.
I also finally ordered motor drivers for the board, along with some other components from LCSC (only top side of the PCB was assembled at factory, the motor driver is at bottom so needs to be soldered by hand).
RC mechanics
BLE-RC board needs to be installed into a vehicle, that’s the whole point of the project. I’ve bought a Herpa Volvo truck as a kit, that’s where I am going to install it at first. Tried 3D printed bevel gears with 0.5 module for the drivetrain, they seem to work surprisingly well. When lubricated, they don’t grind themselves off when rotating.
Steering system is also needed. Here I am less impressed with resin printing as the parts are rather small and break easily. They are also bendy.
Arduino Nano expansion board
What started as a ground station for the crane expanded into a separate project of an Arduino Nano breakout board with slots for motor driver, OLED display, Nunchuck connector. I’ve already used it in several projects, so rather useful.
See details on a project page.